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  • Make a donation as a club, society, foundation, church, etc

    Make a donation as a club, society, foundation, church,etc

    You can also donate as a club, foundation or church (with or without ANBI-status) to help Famtofam. Your donation enables us to realize independent, personal financial support and Emergency help in Armenia.

    We are more than glad to help you make a difference for these children and leave your mark on that part of the world. There are various ways to make a donation that is in accordance with your wishes, policy or aims.

    You may enable a student to attend university.
    In a specific situation you may make Emergency aid possible.
    You may help a school there to realize specific investments.
    Next we can make arrangements on how to keep you informed of how the money is spent
    and what the results are.
    We would like to discuss the possibilities with you. You may contact our board member for
    PR and Communication Mr. Elle Hoekstra at +31611347752. Of course you can send him an email at communicatie@famtofam.nl