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  • Sponsor a child

    Famtofam Sponsoring Program

    Famtofam supports Armenian children by finding sponsors that make monthly donations. Start donating today to help children in miserable circumstances. You will be giving that child a new and happier life, as well as making that child feel that he/she matters. Support a child with a donation or through sponsoring.


    On 7 December 1988 there was an earthquake around Spitak in Armenia with a magnitude of 6.9. The complete town of Spitak was destroyed by the quake and more than half a million people lost their homes.

    Aid required

    This happened more than 25 years ago and (unfortunately) these people still need help. A tremendous number of people are still homeless and live in horrendous circumstances. Most of them cannot keep themselves warm in winter because the price of wood is too high. They burn plastic or rubber waste, which is detrimental to their health, so they need support!

    Famtofam gives support!

    We help children by giving them a monthly allowance with which they can buy things they need most at that moment, such as food, drink or wood. Unfortunately, we cannot give these allowances without our volunteers and donors. We ask you therefore to sponsor a child by filling in the form on this page. If you prefer to make a donation, please click on the make a donation page.

    For all information on the sponsoring program, click here.

    By completing this form, you will sponsor 1 or more children.

      Your Name

      Your Adress

      Your place of residence

      Your postcode

      Your phone-number

      Your Email-Address

      Amount per month (Minimum of €15,00)

      How many children would you like to sponsor?

      Each monthEach quarterEach year

      IBAN bank account number

      Questions / Remarks

      I hereby accept the donation, and accept the deduction by Stichting Famtofam