In principle, sponsoring ends as soon as children reach the age of 18. In case a child continues its studies afterwards, there is a possibility to extend sponsoring. If a child starts to do something else(e.g military service) the advice is given to stop sponsoring followed by a request to sponsor another child. In grave situations the advice may be given to continue sponsoring the child even beyond the age of 18. The sponsor’s choice is respected as much as possible.
We discourage this. The official language in Armenia is Armenia and Russian. English is not as established as elsewhere in Europe. There is every chance are that your mail cannot be read.
We discourage this. There is a risk in sending a parcel. There is a slight chance that it arrives well. Moreover, sending a parcel is rather expensive.
Each child is paid a visit once a year and you will receive information about this. Should this not be sufficent or is information lacking, then you can send an email to Please specify the information you wish.
You can send an email to
By filling out the application form “Change donation” on the website.
No. All our children do not have a computer at home or are not on the internet. Moreover, they communicate in Armenian. They have no command of English yet.